How to Choose Your Perfect Planner

The number one tool that I used to turn my life around has been a planner. If you read a lot of college blogs, you’ve probably seen many bloggers talk about them and how they’ve helped improve their grades and ease their peace of mind. But how do you choose your...

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Summer Before College Bucket List

The summer before college is a time of firsts and lasts. It's a period for goodbyes and endings, as well as for hellos and new beginnings. For me, college wasn't the first time I was leaving my friends and family for a while, but it was my first chance to be...

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Hey, I'm Sara, and I'm here to help you succeed in college! College Compass is where I help current and prospective students make the most of their university years. From guides to applying to and preparing for college, to resources for achieving academic success, to encouragement for loving student life, I've got you. Learn more here!