How to Make a College Budget

When it comes to college students, I hear this complaint a lot: There should be a life skills class in college. Why don't they ever teach us how to pay our taxes? Or how make our first college budget? Where am I supposed to learn that? I've often thought these things...

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14 College Productivity Hacks

Productivity is something I struggle with. I head to the library with a full backpack and the best of intentions, and then I get distracted by a friend, my phone, or the internet. A five-minute study break turns into a twenty-minute Pinterest session. Before I know...

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The Ultimate Guide to Final Exams

Happy finals week! Or, well, not so happy. If it's the last few weeks of your semester, then you know what I'm talking about - this is the season where college students collectively lose their minds. But not you. You're going to rock this finals week and live to tell...

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Hey, I'm Sara, and I'm here to help you succeed in college! College Compass is where I help current and prospective students make the most of their university years. From guides to applying to and preparing for college, to resources for achieving academic success, to encouragement for loving student life, I've got you. Learn more here!