My Favorite College School Supplies

I read a post recently that said "Back-to-school sales are like Christmas for college bloggers." As someone who loves both school and Christmas, I can tell you that that's true. There are few things I delight in as much as well-chosen school supplies. (A sentence I...

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10 Ways to Find Balance During Finals

Finals - every college student's least favorite time of year. You stop sleeping, you stop showering, and your social life completely flies out the window, right? Wrong! Actually, taking care of yourself and reducing stress during finals is one of the best ways to make...

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How to Make a Finals Study Plan

Finals season is fast approaching, and while I'm lucky not to have exams this year, I've had to go through it a couple of times - so I have several tips to share with you! In particular, one of the things that I've struggled with the most over the years is time...

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The 5 Best Apps for College Students

I love to be on my phone. It can do everything from messaging my friends  (Facebook chat) to playing my favorite music (Spotify) to helping me pick up jogging (C25K). While seeing me on it may drive my mom crazy from time to time, there are just so many great apps to...

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Hey, I'm Sara, and I'm here to help you succeed in college! College Compass is where I help current and prospective students make the most of their university years. From guides to applying to and preparing for college, to resources for achieving academic success, to encouragement for loving student life, I've got you. Learn more here!